Castle Ruin Kumburk
Visit the ruin of Kumburk Castle - a place connected to the lives of both Eliška Kateřina Smiřická and Karel Hynek Mácha.
North of Jičín, two hills tower over the basin: one of them had a castle built on top, where Eliška Kateřina Smiřická was imprisoned. Today, Kumburk is one of the most romantic ruins in the Bohemian Paradise. There are quite a few mysterious myths circulating regarding the former castle. According to some, a sizable treasure is hidden there, guarded by a rooster with fire shooting out of its eyes. Another myth claims that from time to time an apparition of the maiden Meluzína and a sad huntsman appear. What happened for certain, though, is that famous Czech author Karel Hynek Mácha visited the ruin.
Currently, the Association for the Preservation of Kumburk Castle is managing the site. It constructed a lookout tower that provides unforgettable views of all four cardinal points. There is a pleasant path to access the castle ruins from Syřenov.
The castle ruins are accessible throughout the year.