Hrubá Skála Rock Town
Hrubá Skála Rock Town (Hruboskalsko) is one of the many rock towns in the Bohemian Paradise and lies spread between Hrubá Skála chateau and Valdštejn castle.
The nature preserve Hrubá Skála Rock Town (Hruboskalsko) is a place frequented by many tourists, who are drawn by both the unparalleled natural setting and the views of monumental rocks. In addition to rock-climbing, both hiking and cycling are common activities in the area. There are quite a few marked trails for hiking, including The Golden Trail of the Bohemian Paradise, leading along a ridge path.
As in other rock towns, lookouts have been built on rock massifs, Marian Lookout being the most well-known. Near Marian Lookout, a memorial to deceased rock-climbers is located. When in the area, it would be a pity to miss out on a showcase of folk architecture – The Kopic family homestead, with reliefs carved into rocks, is nearby.